
Edit profile

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Alexander Schaffer

Edit profiles

You can create your personal profile here , add and delete photos, and write something about yourself. You can reach the page via the main navigation. The address is given on the invoice, otherwise we don't need it. The phone number would be important for urgent queries, otherwise we will have your email.

We hardly wrote any newsletters, but you can sign up for them with the Switch newsletter. The Switch public, allows you to publish your profile.

Post profile

Activate the switch publicly. However, the final publication will only take place after a confirmed receipt of payment (two-step authentication) and membership in the association. The profile will appear with the photo and your description after final publication here. This page is from the Main page can be reached under Association - Members and can be found in the search. The profiles are only integrated into the chat after a few days (the models are not trained regularly).


We reserve the right to remove offensive content, so be good :-)

Edit family

You can visit here Family Add, remove, and edit. We need at least the first name and the year of birth. The year of birth is required for the bookings of the packages. You can also use the dot button next to their name to enter details about your family members, upload photos, and decide if you want to publish your family member's profile.

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